REACT Program

The Rapid Exposure to Advanced Computational Training (REACT) program is a short-term initiative to support graduate students to receive the latest training in computational tools and techniques in their field. REACT will provide up to $1,500 to cover student tuition and registration to participate in nationally-recognized workshops that provide the latest training in computational approaches.

REACT is a joint effort between the Environmental Change Initiative (ECI), the Eck Institute for Global Health (EIGH), the Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility (GBCF), the Harper Cancer Research Institute (HCRI), and the Center for Research Computing (CRC).


Across the sciences, the skills required to analyze large data sets, build statistical models, and simulate complex processes are becoming increasingly critical. For example, genomic data sets may consist of millions of sequencing reads from hundreds or thousands of samples. In ecology and earth sciences, researchers are applying new methods for modeling ecological data and assimilating data and models to improve forecasts of ecological and environmental change. In systems biology, scientists are modeling the emergent properties of interacting genes, proteins, cells, and tissues. All of these research areas depend on computational fluency. 


  • The applicant must be a doctoral or master's student enrolled at the University of Notre Dame.
  • The student’s advisor/PI must be a member in good standing with either EIGH, ECI, GBCF, HCRI, or CRC. Students should check with their advisors if they are unsure of their PI’s affiliation.
  • Students attending workshops may be asked to share the knowledge they gain with local working groups, journal clubs, classes, or a symposium of fellow REACT awardees.
  • REACT will cover costs for registration and tuition, up to $1,500. REACT does not currently cover research expenses.


Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Applications must be submitted online to