
Andean Health and Development Initiative

The Andean Health and Development (AHD) Initiative in Ecuador is a partnership between the Master of Science in Global Health program at the Eck Institute for Global Health and Andean Health and Development. AHD has been operating Pedro Vicente Maldonado (PVM) hospital and clinics for 17 years and has served more than 150,000 people. In 2014, AHD constructed a new health complex with a 60-bed hospital, outpatient facilities, and a training center at Hesburgh Hospital in a different part of the country, Santo Domingo. Over the last two years a small research laboratory was established on the Hesburgh Hospital grounds. The primary focus of the research is surveillance of antibiotic resistant infections that present at the Hesburgh Hospital or PVM hospital. The research laboratory now has the supplies, equipment and technical expertise to isolate and store microbial clinical samples so that further molecular analysis can be performed. This research will provide the first comprehensive and molecular analysis of antibiotic resistance trends in Ecuador. The AHD Initiative is interested in expanding research topics to include antimicrobial resistance, vector-borne diseases, and mental health. Please contact Dr. Nydia Morales-Soto, EIGH Assistant Director if interested in this initiative.

Research Focus

  • Molecular Biology and Microbiology

    Researchers at the EIGH use microbiology, which encompasses the study of an entire microorganism, and molecular biology, or the interactivity between molecules within a cell of an organism, to better understand disease and improve global health. 

Who’s Involved

EIGH Faculty

Morales Soto
                         Nydia Morales-Soto

Global Partners

  • Hesburgh Hospital, Ecuador


Additional Information

We are pleased to recognize Al and Mary Harding who have generously supported this endeavor with an AHD Initiative endowed gift that will support Master of Science in Global Health students, research, and capacity building in Ecuador.


Capstone Projects


Winterton, J. (2020). Assessing Antibiotic Resistance for First- and Second-Line Antibiotic Treatment Among High Prevalence Pathogens at Hospital Saludesa and Hospital Pedro Vicente Maldonado in Ecuador.
DeGrood, D. (2020). Antibiotic Resistance in Rural Ecuador: Characterizing Patients and Bacterial Isolates.
Figueroa, J. (2019). An Analysis of Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Isolates Obtained in Pedro Vincente Maldonado, Ecuador and Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
Colón, O. (2019). The interaction of microbiological methods and clinician behavior at Saludesa Hospital in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
Foster, H. (2019). Establishing the Prevalence of High-risk HPV Infection and Identifying Associated Risk Factors in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.


Alexander, V. (2017). Establishment of a Sample Repository and Molecular Investigation of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Isolates Obtained from Hesburgh Hospital, Santo Domingo, Ecuador.


Bow, A. (2016). Assessment of Antibiotic Resistance and Establishment of a Molecular Research Laboratory in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.


Campbell, K. (2015). Analysis of Microbiological Capacity to Monitor Antibiotic Resistance and Patient Practice of Antibiotic Use in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.


Cortez, B. (2015). Implementation of an Antibiotic Education Program for Community Health Promoters in Ecuador and Assessment of Antibiotic Knowledge in Tena and Quito, Ecuador.


Marugan-Wyatt, M. (2014). Assessment of Clinical Infrastructure and Resource Availability for Antibiotic Resistance Testing, Treatment, and Prevention in Quito, Ecuador.


Burton, M. (2013). Investigating the Development and Breadth of Quinolone Resistance.



Other Research in Ecuador