Analysis of Microbiological Capacity to Monitor Antibiotic Resistance and Patient Practice of Antibiotic Use in Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Location: Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Alumni: Katelyn Campbell

Faculty: Shaun Lee

Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is a growing global health problem.  This study examines laboratory capacity to analyze ABR in the Hesburgh Hospital in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.  Although the laboratory was not using its full capacity to analyze ABR by not utilizing equipment for polymerase chain reactions, it is maximizing on use of antibiograms to analyze patient samples.  Using this infrastructure, patient samples were analyzed to identify types and quantities of ABR in this population.  Of the 95 samples tested in the laboratory in seven weeks, all of them expressed resistance to at least one antibiotic.  Eleven expressed resistance to 10 or more antibiotics.  ABR is exacerbated by over-the-counter antibiotic use.  Patients reported purchasing over the counter antibiotics, and hospital staff indicated that this may be due to the overflowing public system and the expensive private system of healthcare.

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